Sunday, November 8, 2009


If you want your website or blog to be successful, You need to be in charge of the marketing - you need to be an expert driver of your website traffic marketing machine.

There are many different ways you can take with your marketing machine and each of them needs to be understood and used. One isn't better than the other but rather they have to all work together if you want to draw massive traffic to your website.

Simply throwing money at the problem isn't the answer. A widely successful marketing plans doesn't cost much money - if any money at all.


Big name companies often throw thousands and thousands of unfocused dollars into their 'generic looking template' websites and get far less traffic than the little guys that have no advertising budget but have great marketing plans.

Something as simple as signing your emails with your name, a short teaser for your website and your website URL could easily bring you some traffic. Combine this with other simple but effective website promotion ideas and your 'marketing machine' will really start to roll.


Create an email with a joke that relates to the theme of your website but 'leave out the punch line'. Next, create a page on your website with the punch line of the joke.

Put a link in your email to the page on your website with the punch line of the joke and say something like:

"Please forward this email to your friends - it will make their day! This joke is so funny they'll be crying with laughter!
Then Click Here (the link to the page on your website with the rest of the joke) for the rest of this hilarious joke."

Now, send this e-mail to everyone you can think of.

Your friends will forward your email to their friends. Their friends will forward your email to their friends and so on. That simple email could bring your website a massive of traffic very quickly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Help others and not just promote your blog alone. Lend a helping hand to the design community more often, They will return the favor.

Linking to other peoples blogs and articles is another great way to gain exposure. Ask other blog founders of similar interest and popularity if you could add then to your blog roll in exchange for a link back.
Not only will this leave a link back to your site (if you leave your website URL in the form field), but also gives you the opportunity to shed some insight on other posts, thus making you valuable and informative.
Try keeping your avatar/picture consistent throughout your social networking sites. A gravatar is an image that ties into your email address whenever you comment on the web this helps to brand your blog and yourself.

Writing for other blogs of similar interest and readership is a great way to reach out to a wider, new audience. Try writing to your best ability when doing guest posts — you want to impress!

Allowing other’s to write the occasional blog post is a great way to provide other insight and a new, fresh perspective on topics. Agan, you’re getting your readers and community involved.

If you look to the above paragraphs, you will notice a lot of relevant linking going on. Not only is this valuable to your readers, but it’s a great way for other blogs to notice you and we all appreciate a good track back.

Three things are extremely important when first starting your blog:
1. Have a few quality articles posted on your blog prior to the launch.
2. Have a few quality articles on the back burner so you can quickly post through the first few weeks.
3. Post on a regular basis. Why would readers want to visit your blog or subscribe if you are only posting twice in two months? Give them something to look forward to.

If you do not have a blog, I also encourage you to start one. It’s a good platform for you to foster better relationship with your list. With a blog, you can also start looking into other traffic strategies such as search engine optimization, which is a big topic by itself.

For other traffic strategies such as article marketing, forum marketing etc, you can use them as part of your effort to build links for search engine optimization. These are slow but consistent way to drive traffic to your website, but they are not likely to make an immediate impact in short run.

Monday, November 2, 2009


After the creation of your website or blog the most difficult thing to do is generating traffic. Once you have discovered the various internet marketing techniques, to bring traffic to your site you must be able to maintain the traffic. So what website marketing strategies can you use to keep the readers to your site frequently?

Providing new content is important to keep returning visitors interested. By creating fresh content you can not only keep returning visitors interested, but also give new visitors information that can change their perspective of things. Content that is worth a persons time will help drive up your website traffic.

An internet marketing strategy that has become extremely important of late has been keyword optimization. By doing some research and finding keywords that pertain to the theme of your website, you can then put the keywords into your content. As people search for these keywords, your website will come up. The higher you can get on search engines with various keywords, the more likely you will be to create a heavy website traffic flow.

Along the same lines, you want to make sure you have the main keywords you are focusing on in the first paragraph of each article. By reviewing the content on your website and making sure you have done this, this internet marketing strategy will help increase your ranking in the search engines.

Along the same lines of new content, it is important you change the look of your website from time to time. Do not re-organize every day because this will drop your page rank and confuse your visitors. However, by changing a few small things and adding new content you will keep returning visitors interested.

Link exchanges are a great internet marketing tool that can continuously drive new traffic to your website. Know that you can never have too many link exchanges. The more links you have the more customers you will have in turn. After you have built up a good page rank and a solid link database, try and focus on getting quality links with high page ranks to better your website or blog that much more.

Finally, continuously listing your URL in search engines will guarantee website traffic. You should be listed with as many, if not all, of the larger and more popular search engines first. After accomplishing this, then go after all of the smaller search engines.

When you diligently follow these tips you never have problem with keeping a heavy website traffic flow to your website whether returning visitors or brand new readers.
